Saturday, October 31, 2009

magical yellow world

I took this photo last week but have been so busy all week I haven't had a chance to post it. I don't have words to describe what it's like to be walking along and all of the sudden you are in the middle of all this incredible yellow beauty. It just envelops you. Everything else in the world just disappears and there you are, yellow all around, the rustling of leaves falling from the trees to make not only the air but also the ground yellow. It's incredibly powerful.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Flower

I love the way the light was shining through this flower, and also the two bees busy with the job of pollinating. This photo was taken at Oliver Winery just outside of Bloomington, Indiana last weekend.

Since then I've been busy working during the day, stripping wallpaper at night, making it a little hard to find time to take photos or blog. I'm heading back to Chicago soon so I expect to get back to more regular posts, at least until the next trip back here to finish up - I'm not quite through with bathroom number 1, and number 2 is yet to be started!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

another sunset at a very special place

I took this photo last week on one of the last days that my son was staying at the home of two very special people. They provided him with a place to live during a month while we waited to close on the condo he just moved into.  

The closing was Wednesday and ever since we've been working morning till night on moving, unpacking, cleaning, etc. This also explains my absence from posting here - by the end of each day I was too tired to do anything more than fall into bed.