Monday, December 28, 2009

snowfall in Bloomington

It's been awhile since I've posted here. When I first started this I thought I'd do it once a day, and for a while thinking about that daily post helped me get through the day. Then life sped up and I became too busy to think about it at all. In the last three months of 2009, I bought a condo in Indiana, my company was acquired, I left my job of 25 years and started work for a new very small company, I traveled to California once and Indiana 3 times.

So here we are about to start a new year and a new decade. My new job keeps me pretty occupied so I doubt I'll go back to a once a day posting, but perhaps I'll try for once a week.

This photo was taken yesterday in Indiana at the new condo, these lions adorn the gates to the courtyard. The snowfall was so spectacular as snowflakes clumped together in the air, making giant snowflakes. It was even better because we had nowhere we had to go, so we built a fire in the fireplace and simply enjoyed the fire, the snow, and the day.