Saturday, October 31, 2009

magical yellow world

I took this photo last week but have been so busy all week I haven't had a chance to post it. I don't have words to describe what it's like to be walking along and all of the sudden you are in the middle of all this incredible yellow beauty. It just envelops you. Everything else in the world just disappears and there you are, yellow all around, the rustling of leaves falling from the trees to make not only the air but also the ground yellow. It's incredibly powerful.

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture. I took a similiar one from our bedroom window. All the trees in view are golden so when I lay in bed and look outside all I see is yellowy goodness. I think the trees were extraodindarily beautiful this year. (I saw "were" because the leaves are almost gone now). Winter is coming. (yuck) :-)
